
Showing posts from April, 2016

World War II in 5 minutes! Beautiful animation by Nikmon production VIDEO


Yugoslav tank A 1

This tank was called, conspiratorially, the vehicle A (or sometimes Type A). The basic idea was to produce a copy of the T-34. During the design phase, the plan was to only replace parts that have proven to be inefficient, provided that those changes do not cause a change in aggregate and tank assemblies. The T-34 from 1946 served as a basis for design. The deadline for design and construction of the prototype was very tight and coincided with the May military parade the next year, i.e. approximately a year. During the summer period, the design process was followed by several consultation meetings between the Ministry of Defense and the General Directorate for Armament. Apart from the above mentioned workshops and institutes, many other foundries and factories joined the process: Guštanj and Jasenice (armored plates and casting turret), Djuro Djakovic (welding turret and an armored body), Red Flag (armament), ''Ivo Lola Ribar'' and ''IMR'...

The Territorial Defense Part V

Territorial Defense (TO abbreviation) was part of the united armed forces of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, that is the broadest form of "organization of working people and citizens for armed struggle", with the task of monitoring and presence throughout the territory of Yugoslavia. the Territorial Defense was formed in 1969 as part of the doctrine of general national defense and self-protection (ND and SSP). The role of the TO is the mobilization of the male and female population who take part in the defense of Yugoslavia. In the event of war, between 1 and 3 million people aged 15 to 65 years would be fought under the command of the TO as irregular military or guerrilla groups. In peacetime, about 860,000 members were involved in training and other activities. As originally formed, it was extremely decentralized and independent. Its units were organized and established by the party and government in the republics, autonomous regio...

The Yugoslav Navy Part IV

Frigate VPBR-31 Split The Yugoslav Navy (JRM part of the JNA), was the sight of the Yugoslav National Army, whose purpose was to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Yugoslavia. The Navy was independently and in cooperation with the air and ground armed forces of Yugoslavia in the Adriatic, navigable rivers and lakes do their job. Yugoslav Navy logo The main tasks were defending the coast, islands and coastal waters, navigable rivers and lakes, the support forces of the Army and territorial defense in combat workings along the coast and rivers, maintaining dominance in its own coastal sea and prevent aggression in the Adriatic. Ceased to exist in 1992, the abolition of Yugoslavia, and the proclamation of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Serbia and Montenegro have established the Navy of FR Yugoslavia while Croatia kept only a small part of the vessel and on the basis that formed the Croatian Navy. The establishment of the Navy ...

Yugoslav Air Force Part III

Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29B (9-12B) The Air Force (YRV) had about 32,000 members, including 4,000 recruits; disposed of with more than 700 aircraft and 200 helicopters. J-21 Eagle In the 12 squadrons were deployed attack hunters domestic production for close air support (165 aircraft Eagle-2, Super Galeb and J-21 Eagle, and older P-2 Kraguj). They were armed with AGM-65 Maverick air-to-ground missiles American made or Soviet A-7 and A-9 missiles. In the nine squadrons were deployed 130 Soviet MiG-21 interceptors, largely outdated and armed Soviet air-to-air missiles AA-2 and similar outdated or something more modern AA-8 missiles. Soko G-2 Galeb In 1987, Yugoslavia received 16 MiG-29 interceptors. JRV has two squadrons with more than 30 Soviet Yak-40, Antonov An-12 and Antonov An-26 transport aircraft, seven squadrons of transport helicopters Mi-8 and domestic Partisan (French Aérospatiale Gazelle-produced under license). The establishment and developm...

Yugoslav People's Army ground forces Part II

Yugoslav Peoples Army (JNA) Ground Forces (KoV) logo. Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) had about 180,000 active members, of which 100,000 recruits, and were able to mobilize more than a million reservists. M-84 was the most modern and the only mass-produced tank in SFR Yugoslavia. Tank brigades with a total of more than a thousand tanks consisted of two or three battalions. Numerically dominated the Soviet T-54 and T-55, 70 T-72 and about 300 domestic M-84th The reserves were about 47 ("Patton") of US M- and veterans of World War II, the Soviet T-34/85 and US "Sherman". In addition to the tanks, the JNA had at its disposal a huge number of armored vehicles. M4 Sherman was a program to help SFR Yugoslavia arrived in large quantities, starting from 1951.  According to the Yugoslav constitution of 1974 Army was divided into six military districts into five republics: First Army (Belgrade) - north of SR Serbia and SAP Vojvodina Sec...

JNA, the army that no longer exists: What is all possessed one of the most powerful European armies Part I

Yugoslav People's Army (JNA), to its  decomposition , was one of the key pillars of the former Yugoslavia and was based on the doctrine of brotherhood and unity of all Yugoslav nations and nationalities and ideologically dependent on the League of Communists. Along with Tito and the Communist Party, considered to be one of the three pillars of Yugoslavia. Yugoslav People's Army, at its peak, was the fourth military power in Europe, behind the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and France. For JNA specifically, because of its non-alignment and strategic importance, in its possession had weapons of American and Soviet production. The establishment and development Its roots JNA pulling out of the National Liberation Struggle and Yugoslav partisan (POJ). Soon form a volunteer army of Yugoslavia, which soon became the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia (NLA), and on 1 March 1945, the NLA has renamed the Yugoslav Army. To celebrate the tenth anniversary of ...