
Showing posts from November, 2017

Unfinished Yugoslav a multirole combat aircraft called "Novi Avion"

Novi Avion The Novi Avion ( English: New Aeroplane) was a fourth generation multi-role combat aircraft programme that was to be built by Yugoslavia aircraft manufacturer SOKO. Since Yugoslavia had to only import military aircraft from military equipment, the New Airplane tried to make the country completely independent in that regard. The program of realization was considered and ultimately made in 1986. All works on this program were interrupted by the dissolution of the SFRY in the early 1990s. Novi Avion The Yugoslav aeronautical science and industry were getting ready for penetration of the sound barrier. Despite as yet an insuromountable economic crisis, the project of the multipurpose single-engine supersonic combat aircraft has been launched. Support of the project has already been given by the Federal Government as well, its Prime Minister Ante Markovic in particular, who said that he is „convinced that aeronautical development programs serve the developmen...

The pistol that started the First World War

Gavrillo Princip's FN M1910 used to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in Sarajevo The FN Model 1910 is a semi-automatic pistol of the famous American designer John Browning, manufactured by Fabrique Nationale de Herstal from Belgium. For John Browning, this gun is represented accessory business. A dozen models of his various weapons have already been produced in both the FN factory in Belgium and the Colt Firearms in the United States. As in "Colt" were not interested in the production of this model Browning decided to patents and products only in Europe. Pistol The FN Model 1910 The FN Model 1922 was also used by the following countries: Yugoslavia, The Netherlands, Greece, Turkey, Romania, France, Finland, Denmark, and West Germany in the post-war period. While the Model 1910 was widely sold on both civilian and military markets, the Model 1922 was considered specifically a military and police pistol, with FN offering it to individua...

Military and paramilitary formations in the Balkans during World War II PART III

National Liberation Movement of Albania The National Liberation Movement (Albion Lévizja Nacional Çlirimtare, abbreviated LNÇ) was an Albanian anti-fascist resistance movement in World War II. This struggle started in Albania in 1939, when Fascist Italy occupied this small Mediterranean and Balkan country, its immediate neighbor on the other side of the Adriatic Sea. On November 8, 1941, with the establishment of the Communist Party of Albania, the movement actively participated in the struggle against the occupiers. Bajram Curi Battalion in Malaysia in late 1943 When Italy capitulated, the Supreme Headquarters of the National Liberation Army of Albania called on Italian soldiers to surrender their weapons and join the Partisans. Since the commander of the Italian troops in Albania, General Dalmazzo, did not respond to this call, the German 21st Corps disarmed a number of Italian units. Now the new occupiers were Germans. Partisan in Tirana on November 2...

Zmaj (Dragon) Airplane and seaplane factory

aircraft Arno HD-320 Factory airplane and seaplane dragon was a Yugoslav airplane factory who worked in the period from 1927 to 1946 in Zemun. Established in prefabricated barracks on 15 March 1927 in Zemun in street Tošin bunar 27, and the founders were engineer Jovan Petrovic and industrialist Dragoljub Šterić. Dewoitine D.27. the first metal plane made in the Zmaj factory At the beginning, Zmaj's airplane factory had the task of repairing planes and producing simple spare parts. Production space did not allow significant production. Only the relocation of the Zmaj to a new location in 1928 in Karadjordjeva street in Zemun, allow for serious industrial production gain. New workshops, new machines were acquired and new employees of all specialties received. In this way, the Zmaj was able to respond to requests for production of 32 aircraft Arno HD-320 with engines Salmson of 90 kW (120 hp) and ten school seaplane Arno HD-41H with floats. The first aircraft was...

The German destruction of Belgrade in 1941

Luftwaffe Stuka dive-bombers The German bombing of Belgrade in World War II, also known as Operation Punishment (Unternehmen Strafgericht), took place on 6, 7, 11 and 12 April 1941. The bombing took place during the opening days of the invasion of the Axes forces to the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. The bombing resulted in a paralysis of the Yugoslav government and military leadership, mass destruction and thousands of human casualties, as well as the general demoralization and dissolution that led to the capitulation of the army and the de facto disappearance of the Yugoslav state eleven days later. After the Anschluss of Austria, Yugoslavia shared a border with the Third Reich. In November 1940, Hungary joined the Triple Pact, Italy attacked Greece, and Romania also joined the Triple Pact. From that moment on, Yugoslavia was almost surrounded by the Axis Powers or their satellite states, and its neutral attitude towards the war was under increasing pressure. On February 1...