Interesting Facts and figures about the Balkans in 1941 Part II

The German Panzer IV tank in the composition of the 11th armored Panzer Division of the 12th Army, in Yugoslavia broke through from the direction of Bulgaria

April 3. - The Hungarian Prime Minister Count Pal Teleki committed suicide, not wanting to take part in the invasion of Yugoslavia.

April 3. - The Talks of Yugoslav, Greek and British military representatives in Florina.

April 4. - Vlatko Macek reached Belgrade and took deputy of the prime minister. Belgrade, Zagreb and Ljubljana in the event of a state of war be declared open cities.

April 5 (in fact 6. 4. early in the morning) - signed the Pact of friendship and non-aggression of the USSR and Yugoslavia.

April 6. - The attack of Germany against Yugoslavia begins April war - the bombing of Belgrade and air bases, attack of the German 12th Army on Macedonia.

The Germans in Zagreb

April 6 - Germany attack on Greece (Operation Marita, part of the Battle of Greece).

April 7 - Skopje Occupied - cut the main connection between Yugoslavia and Greece; also the second attack of the German Army on Slovenia and Croatia.

April 8 - Vlatko Macek left the Royal government; attack the German forces from Bulgaria on Serbia.

April 9 - Germans controlled Macedonia, occupied the Thessaloniki in Greece.

April 10 - German breakthrough in northern Croatia and Slovenia leads to the collapse of the front.

April 10 - Before entering the Germans in Zagreb declared the Independent State of Croatia (Slavko Kvaternik); Vlatko Macek called membership HSS loyalty on the new state.

The Germans in Belgrad

April 10 - As Yugoslavia "does not exist", the Hungarian government made entry into the "southern regions" (Prekomurje, Baranja, Backa), Banat in the dispute with Romania.

April 10 - Politbureau of the Central Committee of Communist Party of Yugoslavia in Zagreb decided to move to Belgrade and establish a Military Committee to resist the aggressor.

April 11 - The Italian forces enter Yugoslavia.

April 11/12. - Crews sank monitors "Sava", "Vardar" and "Morava" near Belgrade, Sava bridge blown down on one of the boats, with great sacrifices.

April 12 - Germany occupies Belgrade.

April 14. - The Yugoslav Supreme Command requested a truce, the Germans would accept only unconditional surrender.

The bombing of Belgrade

April 15. - The King Peter II of Yugoslavia and the Government left the country; occupied Sarajevo, captured the Supreme Command of the Royal Army.

April 15th - Ante Pavelic arrived in Zagreb (two days earlier in Karlovac met with Edmund Vezenmajerom). Germany and Italy recognized the NDH.

April 17 - Completed unconditional capitulation of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (effective the next day at noon).

April 17 - Lieutenants Milan Spasic and Sergej Masera sank the destroyer Zagreb in the Bay of Kotor, sacrificing their lives.

The division of Yugoslavia

April 18 - Greek Prime Minister Alexandros Korizis committed suicide (notified that he had died of heart).

April 21 - General Georgios Colakoglu signed in Larissa surrender of  Greece army.

April 22. - German aircraft. gen. Helmut Forster filed to take occupation administration in Serbia (he remained until June).

April 22 - 24 - At a meeting in Vienna certain Italian-German demarcation line in Yugoslavia. Bosnia assigned to the ISC.

April 23. - Greece signed a truce with Germany.

April 27 - In occupied Slovenia formed the Liberation Front.

April 27 - Adolf Hitler visited Maribor, ordered the displacement of Slovenians from Styria and Carinthia.

April 27 - Germans in Athens.

April 30 - Ante Pavelic issued a legal provision of the race, the basis for the persecution of Serbs, Jews and Gypsies.

April 30 - In occupied Serbia set commissioner government.

April 30 Germans complete occupation of mainland Greece, trapped and 1500 Yugoslavs.



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